The General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) is the most important change in data privacy in 20 years.
How we are protecting your privacy
Alexander Hadleigh Wine Merchants are committed to respecting and protecting our customers’ privacy – we take your privacy as seriously as we take our wine. We want to earn and maintain your trust, and we believe protecting your data is essential in order to do that. You have probably received hundreds of emails about the new laws coming in, so here is a summary of our company’s views and practices regarding your personal data and how we will treat it
- We will only collect necessary personal data to process a sale for you or so you can use our website.
- We may ask to send you emails or post from time to time, but you have the right to say no or opt-out, and we will never, ever send you spam.
- We do not, and will not, sell any of your personal data to any third party.